LevitatingBusinessMan's blog


In this post I will guide you through building an external kernel module in Rust. Using the mainline Linux kernel. # Compiling a kernel with Rust support To load rust modules we need to be on a...


Today I stumbled across [How to build a Hacker News Frontpage scraper with just 7 lines of R code](https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-build-a-hacker-news-frontpage-scraper-with-just-7-lines-o...


Recently I saw another reddit post re-spark the discussion of kernel drivers in Anti-Cheat. Ever since this controversy started I've noticed many people misunderstand the technology which has led t...


So for years I disliked using may laptop for any serious task because it didn't share my configuration and files. And I partially fixed that by [writing a configuration sharing tool](https://github...


This is my walkthrough for the [Magic](https://app.hackthebox.com/machines/241) box. # Nmap ```txt $ nmap -sV magic.htb Starting Nmap 7.80 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2020-08-14 23:12 CEST Stats...
